Leal diz:
marilda, ela é uma cafuçua
Marilda diz:
ela é super lindinha, fábio
Leal diz:
Marilda diz:
e toda arrumadinha, produzidinha
Leal diz:
Leal diz:
produzida com roupa da Cattan, né?
Marilda diz:
hahahahhahahahahaha talvez
Marilda diz:
mas ela fica linda
marilda, ela é uma cafuçua
Marilda diz:
ela é super lindinha, fábio
Leal diz:
Marilda diz:
e toda arrumadinha, produzidinha
Leal diz:
Leal diz:
produzida com roupa da Cattan, né?
Marilda diz:
hahahahhahahahahaha talvez
Marilda diz:
mas ela fica linda
At 1:42 AM, Ävchen said…
Hi, are you the owner of the blog "lifespotting.blogspot.com"? I was trying to find a way to reach you, but there was no e-mail address, so I googled for "Fábio Leal" (the blogger's name) and got here. Your lifespotting blog looks abandoned and not used, I'd love to take over - I've had a blog called "lifespotting.blog.com" for nearly 2 years and would like to switch to blogspot - with the same subdomain name.
Do you think you could give me your old blog, since you don"t use it anymore, anyway?
Let me know here in comments,
take care and thanx,
At 6:47 AM, Anônimo said…
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